It’s official…we are having a baby! We have been keeping things relatively under wraps…but now that we are safely out of the first trimester, we are thrilled to announce the good news.
As of today, Lil Dubs (as we have been affectionately calling him/her) is 12 weeks and 6 days and everything is going great so far.
We had our first real appointment with Dr. Serden when Lil Dubs was only 8 weeks – we got our first glimpse and saw the heart beat. What an amazing moment. Even though we were considered very “low risk”, we decided to wait to go public with our news until our 12 week appointment. It was at this visit that we got our very first “real” picture of the baby and heard the heartbeat. We were sent to a neighboring office where the “nuchal translucency” test was completed (where they measure the fluid in the baby’s neck for signs of abnormalities) and were told by the Dr. that we have a very cute fetus. I bet she says that to everyone…though I have to admit…this little guy/girl is already looking adorable. I was shocked at how fully formed the baby is – even at this early stage. You can clearly see some of his/her features – cute little nose and lips!
Overall, I would have to say that I have been feeling pretty good – though I do have serious bouts of nausea nearly every day – which started at about 7 weeks and have yet to subside! At first, I didn’t mind the sickness – it was the only thing that really made me “feel” pregnant. Now that its been going on for well over a month, I am definitely ready for my stomach to settle down. I have also noticed that I am ready for bed at 8:30pm – and have to struggle to stay awake after that point. I tried giving in one night but that didn’t work out too well for me either – I was up at 3 in the morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. There is also the constant need to use the bathroom in the middle of the night…a new phenomenon for me.
I’ve been told that you don’t really start showing until 14 or 15 weeks…but I think I’m already starting to form a baby bump…or maybe I’m just looking fat! Either way, I’ve noticed that my regular pants don’t fit me properly – and the pair of maternity pants I bought is the most comfortable piece of clothing I own. I have a couple of events coming up for which I’ll need some nice dresses – but its kind of hard to anticipate what I’ll look like or fit into in a month or two months from now!
January 31st, 2012
More to come next week