Category Archives: Lil’ Dubs - Page 4


Things are starting to fall into place.
(Not at the rate that I want them to, but we’re not at DEFCON 1 yet.)

We were able to talk to “The Car Guy” that GanDoo* recommended.
Looks like we are going to go with the Toyota Highlander.
Not as awesome as the Acura MDX, but just as big…and waaay cheaper.
Hopefully, we can get the car in the next few weeks.
Now I just have to sell my car. Not expecting to get much for it, but we’ll see.

We have also started to prepare our “birth plan”.
Ash has a pretty good idea of what she wants, we just have to get it all down on paper and see if we’ve missed anything.

Tomorrow is our 34 week appointment. I hope we get to see Dubs again. This kid has started to move around a LOT.
I’ve been told that it’s a sign of what’s to come.
We’ll post new pics of Dubs tomorrow, if we get them.

*that’s the way it’s going to be spelled Ash….get used to it :-)


Drove back from Vegas today.
About as much fun as you would guess.
(Ash: You make it sound like it’s not fun being with me.)
I had a GREAT time IN Vegas with Ash and Dubs….the drive back is just, well,…..

We tried to take it easy the rest of the day.
Went to Restoration Hardware and bought the paint for Dubs’ room.
We (and by we, I mean me….no paint fumes for Ash) will probably paint the room next weekend (or this week if I get the energy).
We’ll post pics once it gets done.
That is all.
Dubs says goodnight.

44 – Dubs in Vegas

Dubs has decided that mommy has worked very hard and, for her birthday, Dubs has decided to take his mommy to Vegas.
(I got to come, too.)
Such a good baby.
We have had a lot of fun today.
Napping, sitting in the pool, napping.
A pretty relaxing day for mommy and Dubs.
We are coming home tomorrow and getting back to prepping for Dubs’ arrival.
Dubs said so.


45 days to go!!!!!
(If Dubs is on time, that is.)
Aunt Lola came over last night and hung out with Lil’ Dubs for a bit.
Dubs was very excited to see her.
The baby was acting pretty crazy last night.
Ash’s belly kept pulsing at the top.
At first, we thought it was the baby’s heartbeat. It was too rhythmic and fast for hiccups.
But it was just a bit too slow for a baby’s heartbeat.
When we looked it up, the common explanation was that it was the placenta or a vein.
Whatever it was, it was cool.

Ash and I are heading to Vegas this weekend for her birthday and for our Babymoon.
It should be a lot of fun. This kid has been to a lot of places in utero.


We got our glider!!!!
Well, we don’t physically HAVE it yet, but it has been ordered.
(Thank you sooooo much Nano. Dubs can’t wait until you rock him/her in it.)
After a somewhat exhausting search, we were finally able to find a local place that matched the best web offer we found and will give us a loaner glider until ours arrives.
Thanks to Nomi Kids for all their help.
We decided on the Dutailier 856 glider mainly because it was the tallest of all the gliders.
With PopG, GanDoo, Uncle Jonny, Uncle Jon and me all being over 6′, a tall glider is a must.
That or a chiropractor on speed dial.
Here is a pic of the chair (not the colors we are getting, though).

In other news, we are still working on completing our registry.
Ash signed us up for Boobie-Palooza today.
(I was VERY excited….until I found out what it was about.)


A lot happens in a day.
We went to our third childbirth class last night at Cedars. Saw what a Caesarean section looked like (definitely gonna opt out of that unless medically necessary) and took our second tour of the Maternity Ward. It was actually pretty fun and educational. (Didn’t get to see any babies, though.) :-(

I’m reading a lot more about the labor, what happens, how it progresses and what my role is supposed to be.
I know you can’t prepare for anything, but I just hope that I am prepared enough.
I cannot wait until we can see Lil’ Dubs for the first time (in color.)

Oh, and I think we found our Glider (for the price we wanted, too).
Will update on that tomorrow (hopefully) after everything is finalized.

48 (let’s see how long I can keep this up)

Thanks to Lauren for suggesting that I do a running diary.
(Congrats Lola! You made our blog. I know you’ve been dreaming of this. And you also became a tag. You’d better start doing funny stuff so I can use it.)
So I wasn’t able to count the 49 days of the Omer (I made it to 34), but I think I can do better for Dubs.

Not much to update on last night.
We finally decided on the glider we are going to get. Now it’s a matter of IF the chair will get here in time.
Europe is on vacation for three weeks (How come we didn’t adopt that!), and so all production has slowed and could push back our chair delivery.
One option is to buy our chair from the L.A. Rocking Chair store ( If you buy a chair from them and it doesn’t arrive before the baby does, they give you a loaner chair. Never heard of that, but we might take them up on it.

49 days to go and counting!

We hit the 50 day mark yesterday. Today is 7 weeks until the due date.
Things are moving very fast now.
We built assembled the crib last night (not as hard as I thought).
(no pic yet…will post soon)
We also went out and purchased room decorations.
(also no pic yet…..)
Dubs’ room is starting to come together nicely.
We still have much to do, but I am very excited about all of it.
We’ll post pics as soon as we get them uploaded.

Forgot to add a picture of Dubs @ 32 weeks. Cute, right!?!?!

Lil’ Dubs Countdown

 BabyFruit Ticker

We’re Having a Baby!

It’s official…we are having a baby! We have been keeping things relatively under wraps…but now that we are safely out of the first trimester, we are thrilled to announce the good news.
As of today, Lil Dubs (as we have been affectionately calling him/her) is 12 weeks and 6 days and everything is going great so far.

We had our first real appointment with Dr. Serden when Lil Dubs was only 8 weeks – we got our first glimpse and saw the heart beat. What an amazing moment. Even though we were considered very “low risk”, we decided to wait to go public with our news until our 12 week appointment. It was at this visit that we got our very first “real” picture of the baby and heard the heartbeat. We were sent to a neighboring office where the “nuchal translucency” test was completed (where they measure the fluid in the baby’s neck for signs of abnormalities) and were told by the Dr. that we have a very cute fetus. I bet she says that to everyone…though I have to admit…this little guy/girl is already looking adorable. I was shocked at how fully formed the baby is – even at this early stage. You can clearly see some of his/her features – cute little nose and lips!

Overall, I would have to say that I have been feeling pretty good – though I do have serious bouts of nausea nearly every day – which started at about 7 weeks and have yet to subside! At first, I didn’t mind the sickness – it was the only thing that really made me “feel” pregnant. Now that its been going on for well over a month, I am definitely ready for my stomach to settle down. I have also noticed that I am ready for bed at 8:30pm – and have to struggle to stay awake after that point. I tried giving in one night but that didn’t work out too well for me either – I was up at 3 in the morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. There is also the constant need to use the bathroom in the middle of the night…a new phenomenon for me.

I’ve been told that you don’t really start showing until 14 or 15 weeks…but I think I’m already starting to form a baby bump…or maybe I’m just looking fat! Either way, I’ve noticed that my regular pants don’t fit me properly – and the pair of maternity pants I bought is the most comfortable piece of clothing I own. I have a couple of events coming up for which I’ll need some nice dresses – but its kind of hard to anticipate what I’ll look like or fit into in a month or two months from now!

January 31st, 2012

More to come next week :-)