Monthly Archives: July 2012 - Page 3


35 weeks gone and 35 days to go!
Can’t believe Dubs is this close to joining us!

Saw a new apartment tonight. Not a winner, but we are getting closer.
We will hopefully see 2 more tomorrow. Maybe we can get a winner.
I’d really like to get us moved out before the beginning of August.

Gonna call the “car guy” tomorrow and find out about our possible new SUV.

35 is the sum of the first five triangular numbers, making it a tetrahedral number.


Busy day yesterday.
We looked at 36 apartments (more like 6, but it felt like 36).
Didn’t find any winners, but we are very confident that we will find what we are looking for and be able to hit our budget.
Dubs is still moving, still going crazy.

Facts about 36
In mathematics

36 is both the square of 6 and a triangular number, making it a square triangular number. It is the smallest square triangular number other than 1, and it is also the only triangular number other than 1 whose square root is also a triangular number.

It is the smallest number n with exactly 8 solutions to the equation φ(x) = n. Being the smallest number with exactly 9 divisors, 36 is a highly composite number. Adding up some subsets of its divisors (e.g., 6, 12 and 18) gives 36, hence 36 is a semiperfect number.

This number is the sum of a twin prime (17 + 19), the sum of the cubes of the first three integers, and the product of the squares of the first three integers.

The number of possible outcomes (not summed) in the roll of two distinct dice.


The number of inches in a yard.
In the UK, a standard beer barrel is 36 UK gallons, about 163.7 litres.

In science

The atomic number of krypton

In religion

Jewish tradition holds that the number 36 has had special significance since the beginning of time: According to the Midrash, the light created by God on the first day of creation shone for exactly 36 hours; it was replaced by the light of the Sun that was created on the Fourth Day. The Torah commands 36 times to love, respect and protect the stranger. Furthermore, in every generation there are 36 righteous people (the “Lamed Vav Tzadikim”) in whose merit the world continues to exist. In the modern celebration of Hannukah, 36 candles are kindled in the menorah over the 8 days of that holiday (not including the shamash candle).
– from Pinchas Winston (1995). The Wonderful World of Thirty-six. Mercava Productions. ISBN 0-9698032-4-9.


Sorry I’m late tonight.
We went out to a movie and I didn’t have time to post before we left.
Went to see Ted.
OK…..not great…. Dubs seemed to like it.
Ash said the baby was going crazy during the movie.

No other baby news.
We are going to try and find Dubs a new apartment tomorrow.


40 guesses already!!!
People REALLY want to be Dubs’ friend.
I think we can get to at least 50.
I think I know who the winner(s) could be (depending on if Dubs is a boy or girl).
Let’s see if I am right.

No new news today.
Still looking for a new place for Dubs.
No big plans for the weekend. Just probably rest with Ash and Dubs.

Sticky: Lil’ Dubs Baby Pool

Hi everyone!
Lil Dubs’ delivery date is fast approaching and we want to find out who knows Dubs best (other than Ash, of course).
The pool is free and open to everyone.
Once dubs gets here, he/she will wear a onesie with the winner’s name on it. (See attached pic.)
Guesses must be in by August 1st.
So, have fun and make a guess!
Ash and Jeff
PS…Please feel free to forward this to anyone. The more guesses the merrier.


We went to our Labor Pains class tonight.
It was VERY informative.
(And we really liked the doctor that gave the class…cool guy.)

Ash is working on her birthing plan tonight.
(Hope her plan includes a bowl of only brown M&M’s.)

No luck on the apartments.
The one we saw tonight was pretty small and was on the high end of our price range.
We may have a winner nearby; we will be looking at it on Sunday.

40 – so i’m a little late

But yesterday was a holiday.

So, I was planning on painting the baby’s room.
Instead, we drove around the neighborhood looking for apartments.
Fun times.
No luck…we’ll try again today.

We went to some friends’ rooftop to watch the fireworks.
Had a great view.
Dubs liked it.

41 – in just under the wire

Late night tonight.
We finished our childbirth class at Cedars.
We are now ready to have a baby….or,…..not.
I’m sure we’ll be ready when the time comes (I hope).

We also had our 34 week appointment today!
Dubs is progressing well.
Could NOT get a good pic, though. This kid is camera shy.
Already taking after the old man. *sniff* I’m so proud.

And the topper for tonight……Landlord called…wants to raise the rent.
So it looks like we’ll be moving soon.


Things are starting to fall into place.
(Not at the rate that I want them to, but we’re not at DEFCON 1 yet.)

We were able to talk to “The Car Guy” that GanDoo* recommended.
Looks like we are going to go with the Toyota Highlander.
Not as awesome as the Acura MDX, but just as big…and waaay cheaper.
Hopefully, we can get the car in the next few weeks.
Now I just have to sell my car. Not expecting to get much for it, but we’ll see.

We have also started to prepare our “birth plan”.
Ash has a pretty good idea of what she wants, we just have to get it all down on paper and see if we’ve missed anything.

Tomorrow is our 34 week appointment. I hope we get to see Dubs again. This kid has started to move around a LOT.
I’ve been told that it’s a sign of what’s to come.
We’ll post new pics of Dubs tomorrow, if we get them.

*that’s the way it’s going to be spelled Ash….get used to it :-)


Drove back from Vegas today.
About as much fun as you would guess.
(Ash: You make it sound like it’s not fun being with me.)
I had a GREAT time IN Vegas with Ash and Dubs….the drive back is just, well,…..

We tried to take it easy the rest of the day.
Went to Restoration Hardware and bought the paint for Dubs’ room.
We (and by we, I mean me….no paint fumes for Ash) will probably paint the room next weekend (or this week if I get the energy).
We’ll post pics once it gets done.
That is all.
Dubs says goodnight.